Current Production Season
Check out the 2024-2025 Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies Productions.
Our busy production season provides numerous opportunities for student involvement in performing, producing, designing or technical theatre. We stage three major faculty-directed productions per year in Theatre and Performance Studies, plus two faculty-directed Dance concerts. We round out the season with multiple student thesis and capstone projects per semester, as well as our twice- annual "Dance Mash-Up." Undergraduate students may receive course credit for their involvement in departmental productions. Graduate students often serve as assistant directors or production dramaturgs on our mainstage shows. Courses and productions are open to all Tufts students, regardless of major. If you have questions about the audition process, you are welcome to contact us.
Check out the 2024-2025 Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies Productions.
Review past productions from our Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies seasons.