The Jackson Dance Lab

The Dance program manages two studio spaces for its classes, workshops and performance events. These spaces also serve extra-curricular dance activity through a formalized reservation process. The Jackson Dance Lab (approx. 54' x 54') is equipped with wall-to-wall sprung flooring, portable barres, full-length mirrors with optional curtain masking, a piano, and 4 speaker sound system. The Dance Lab is a flexible performance space, with a 100-person audience capacity, featuring full theatrical lighting, masking, and sound design capabilities. The Jackson dance studio is a smaller studio (approx. 34' x 28') located across the hall and is fully outfitted for classes and rehearsals, including sprung flooring and full-length mirrors with optional curtain masking. The Jackson dance spaces are in full use for curricular and approved student groups during the academic year. They are closed in the summer.
Email the Dance Office or call 617-627-2556 for further information.